STEMusic Booking

The STEMusic Concert is a high energy concert full of songs and lessons all about STEM! (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)

Students will have a chance to watch live experiments, practice solving math problems and learn STEM vocabulary all while being entertained with incredible music. GRAMMY nominated singer Roy Moye III, also known as "The Singing Engineer", puts on a thoroughly engaging show with live singing and student participation moments. Students will be transported to a STEM universe by the rhythms and harmonies of songs that will begin to change the narrative on how they view and learn about STEM.

STEMusic Live Concert!

  • 1 Hour Live In-Person Concert

  • Based on the STEMusic EP (Listen Here)

  • Live Singing

  • Live Science Experiment

  • Math Activity with Jumbo Dice

  • All Students leave with a STEMusic Sticker

STEMusic Virtual Concert

  • 50 Minute Virtual Concert

  • Based on the STEMusic EP (Listen Here)

  • Live Singing

  • Live Science Experiment

  • Math Activity with Jumbo Dice

  • Secure Zoom Platform (with Waiting Room), Invitation Only

Keynote Speaker

(Roy Moye III)

  • Conferences

  • Science Fairs

  • Classroom Visits

  • Professional Development Days

Book Today!


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